Friday, July 01, 2005

The question fills my head

If someone were to ask me (which no one has) why I blog, I don't know if I could come up with an answer. Now, does that mean I shouldn't be doing it? And if not, then I don't suppose I should do much of anything I do. This is not to say that I have an "unexamined life", but rather, there is likely an imbalanced ratio of what I do intentionally, to what I do compulsively or out of habit, leaning toward the latter.

To make things more complicated (just for fun), I will quote a song in hopes to engage our philosophical minds, "I wonder if everything I do, I do instead of something I want to do more?"

So, while I know there are listless possibilities as to what you would rather be doing than reading Moot Montage, humor me and let me know a few.

(And no, answers like "reading so-and-so's blog" are not encouraged)


Carrie said...

wow, new faces. hi folks. hope you'll stick around. :)

Carrie said...

hahahahaha, yeah but it worked. where are my legitimate friends anyway?! they comment here and there. michael? cowboy? lisa jolie? bo brown? are you living real lives??

Anonymous said...

I'd rather be talking to you in person. As satisfying and engaging as your typed thoughts are, they pale in comparison to the rich experience of the real thing. For any of you unfortunate enough to be unable to have this experience - print out her blog and put the pages in your back pocket until you find yourself in front of a campfire on a cold night and read them then with the warming glow of the fire coming through them and you, this will be close.

Carrie said...

yer too much. if a camp fire and i went head to head, i'ld be cremated!

Anonymous said...

I have no idea why I blog.

BTW, people who visit your site because you've left comments on theirs ARE legitimate friends. They're just very new friends, and there's nothing wrong with that.