Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Face, Yuck

Big phat fer real
thanks to the those who commented on sat.'s post, particularly "anonymous".

I have been thinking about putting my picture over there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
Yet taking my time on learning how to. Then Anne Arkham posted her picture and it seemed like a good time to follow suit. I have this one photo of my former boyfriend (who I am still entirely in love with) and I, already in my computer. I thought I could crop it and that would be that. I have gotten nice feedback about that shot and I was happy at the time it was taken. Besides, it looks like me.

My neighbor was over yesterday and began helping me with my blog. He seemed round aboutly to be saying I should choose a different shot. He said that if I had another one he could scan it. The search left me spiraling into an "I am SO ugly!!" mope fest, complete with tears. But that's about pms and this post is about my portrait.

As you can see, mission failed.


Crystal said...

Awwwh, don't worry about trying to find the perfect "glamour shot" to post to your blog. Just post a casual pic that you like of yourself. I like it when bloggers post a pic of themself on the profile, it makes them feel more real. I posted a pic of me with my husband's grandma's plant, because I like to garden so that's kinda my "statement".

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I purposely posted a picture with no makeup whatsoever, taken at like 1am.

Anonymous said...

carrie carrie carrie,
i have good pix of you from greg's backyard party. there you are, playing guitar...or we could do a very unprofessional photo shoot with my digital (it has b/w setting! and sepia!) jen

Carrie said...

i heart jen!