Monday, November 28, 2005


I have serious astrological love problems. I have seen girls who are chubbier, weirder, bitchier, needier, less stable, less interesting, or more sassy get guys and keep them. WTF is up with me?! It is NOT for lack of trying or being willing. I have been so fucking rejected so fucking many times, and I don't want to hear it's about self esteem either, because I know some people with no esteem who are being loved on. This is such total bullshit!! Yeah, I have issues. Everyone has issues. I would date me. I just want a palm reader to tell me that I am cursed from love in this life time so I can get on with it already!


Anonymous said...

If that is not solely about self-esteem, then perhaps it's some other kind of insecurity that you have to deal with before the good ones are gone.

Carrie said...


Carrie said...

Thanks JT