Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Frontal Shots

Because these are kind of flattering, and I am using my beautiful friends as a crutch, I can now post pictures of myself on the world wide web. I have already spent WAY too much time trying to expand my blogging abilities beyond what they were, so you'll have to deal with the cruddy layout of the post. So go deal now. With images of Carrie, and with cruddy post layout.


Anonymous said...

Nobody in either of these pictures has any reason to be ashamed of posting them. You and your friend are both beautiful.

Carrie said...

Everyone meet Vox, my new best friend.

Tiffany Fairbanks said...

I agree with Vox.

Carrie said...

Thanks for tha love guys!!

Um, my camera is a rad kind. I am impressed with it. Let's see, too many lables. Lumix, Leica, Panasonic. You deside. It's ubber spy camera tiny, yet boasts a good sized screen. I'm pampered rotten.