Wednesday, March 29, 2006

New Moon

So that means it's time to put out to the universe what it is I want in life, and light a candle. It rarely comes to fruition of course, but there are worse pass-times than focusing on goals, and it makes my house smell nice. The whole wallet being stolen thing could have been much worse. I would rather loose pictures of loved ones, than loved ones themselves. And I hated that ID photo anyway. I could never justify getting a new one based on that reason, so now I have an excuse. It's untimely, cuz I am sans dinero, but I will get everything put back together and move on from it. Twas a good day, in that the sun done shone. I want to send you kids over to Damian Mulinix's sight. I was on myspace looking for new music one weekend, and after searching for about, oh...13 hours, I found 1.The Coup, which are very much not a secret and I linked you to yesterday, and 2. I found Damian. I listened to music from New England to New Zealand and discovered what I really dug was a kid who went to my shitty high school. Can you believe it? We are in touch now, in that myspacey kind of way, and he will play here this summer, if I have to make him gig in my garage.

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