Monday, April 03, 2006

Radiskull & Devil Doll

How I adore thee. You can't tell, but Devil Doll is having his Hell Bucks coffee in this poignant still taken from the creators home page. Go there, and be forever changed. Inside.


Anonymous said...

I wonder what Radiscum would look like. Or Radisaint. Radimuffin? Some raggah-rasta skeleton? Or Badiscull...half Michael Jackson, half Skeletor...all Yankovikian. Anyway, I was perusing your b-log and I wanted to comment...since you touched upon the current manifestation of your apologiosis (our contagiously accute condition of apologizing to each other) in your last e-mail to me, and it included the topic of Radiskull, I figured I'd comment on that. Only now I've commented on nothing disguised as that. Or whatever. Hi. I love you.

Carrie said...

i am the radiskull, i will kill you one by one. (one by one!)