Tuesday, May 09, 2006

I Look Like a Bank Teller Today

Not in attire, but in face and expression. I look about 34, and like I'm going to my kid's baseball game to try and get laid. Ew, do people do that? Kid's sports, singles hook-up culture?

"Oh, hi Mark, nice to meet you, this is my son, Ryan. Ryan, say "hi"".

"Hi, Trish, this is my son, Joshua, he's a little digger."

1 comment:

Jennifer McKenzie said...

Oh no!!! Single people meet at PTA meetings, usually before the divorce. Or waiting for their kids after school. "How is Johnny enjoying Mrs. Brown's class? Really? Are you free tonight?"
Or they meet at 12 step programs. You know, love on the AA campus. Ahhh romance.
How do you know an alcoholic is one a second date?
There's a UHaul in the driveway.